
News: Gun Used in Irving Plaza Shooting Found in Troy Ave’s Minivan

The Irving Plaza shooting that left one person dead and three wounded is close to being solved. The Kel Tech .9-mm pistol involved in the incident at the T.I. concert, was found in the van that took Troy Ave to the Hospital after the shooting. Troy Ave’s bodyguard, Ronald McPhatter, was fatally shot in the chest during the backstage chaos at the Union Square nightclub. Troy Ave, whose real name is Roland Collins, 33, was also said to have shot himself in the leg.

The recovered weapon was matched to six bullets recovered from the scene, including the one that killed McPhatter, wounded Troy Ave. and wounded one of the victims in the green room. The gun also matched the bullet that hit model Maggie Heckstall. There is video surveillance recovered that shows Troy Ave firing wildly into the crowd.

Troy Ave was held without bail on Monday after attending Manhattan criminal court in NYC. Shanduke McPhatter, the brother of the decease Ronald McPhatter had this to say:

“They treated me like a criminal when I went down there,” Shanduke McPhatter said at a press conference promoting a gun violence awareness campaign. “And for me to be a victim — I lost my brother — to not know anything about the investigation. I wasn’t even told when Troy Ave was being arraigned.

I would not have let those two gentlemen in that club,” he said. “(The security staff) get certificates to be security guards, bouncers … to bounce you out the club that’s violent. (But) they don’t know what’s happening out on these streets. They just know how to get a dollar in their pocket to let somebody slide through the backdoor with a gun.”