
Jay-Z Talks Fame, Fortune and Lockdown with The Times

Jay-Z grants a rare interview the British newspaper The Sunday Times in a one-on-one with Louise Wise. In the new interview he talks about his partnership with PUMA and touches on life in a pandemic and lockdown. He also talks about the effects on social injustice on the younger generation stating:

‘You can’t give someone a microphone for 24 hours a day and [have them] not think they have to use it. ‘These kids, it’s unbelievable. Imagine having a microphone and you’re asked about social justice questions at 18 years old? It’s like, ‘What? I’m meant to know the answer, and if I don’t answer the correct way, if I don’t say everything right, even if my intentions are right, and I don’t say the same right thing, it’s going to be everywhere.’

On how social injustice effect him, he says:

‘It’s very frustrating. As a human race we’re still on basic things. We’re still on Stop Asian Hate. We can’t sit and cry over spilt milk, but we do have to acknowledge that there’s milk, right? Are we here today? No. Are we further than 50 years ago? Yes.’

Jay also talks about his legacy and place in the Hip Hop culture. He explains how he feels as a mogul and entrepreneur.

‘I have no idea, I’m not beyond ego, right? Hopefully they speak of me [with] the names of Bob Marley and all the greats. But that’s not for me to say.’

To read the full article and see more of what Jay-Z had to say, head over to The Times.

Photo By Raven B Varona