
Video Media: @YungMarvinGaye “P’s Perspective” Ep. 3 and 4

This week’s episode was on the subject of Accountability, and it was amazing! We had so much feedback that I wanna share some of the comments. I also wanna give a few shout outs, and most of all, I wanna give thanks… Thanks to you for getting involved and making this something special. Remember, I encourage everyone to comment on the website Tparris.com , Post on YouTube, or email me at Tparrismusicgroup1@gmail.com

This week, we discuss “Social Media Revolutionaries“ This topic was sent in by Kenneth Chamberlain, Jr. Below is an excerpt from his e-mail: “There is a very big difference between being a part of a movement, and just following a movement. I come from the school of thought that you want for your brother and sister that which you want for yourself, and when I say brother and sister I mean all races, because one’s works are more important than one’s skin color.”

Please remember that we encourage you to engage in the dialogue by commenting in the YouTube or website Comments section, or simply e-mailing us at: Tparrismusicgroup1@gmail.com