
News: Method Man Does Not Agree with The 88-year Wu Tang Album Wait

A few days ago we told you about the 88 year wait for the new Wu Tang Clan album here. Well, during a recent interview with XXL, Method Man was asked about the album saying:

‘Fuck that album. I’m tired of this shit and I know everybody else is tired of it, too. Fuck that album, if that’s what they are doing. I haven’t heard anything like that, but if they’re doing crap like that, fuck that album. Straight up. I’m just keeping it 100. When music can’t be music and y’all turning it into something else, fuck that. Give it to the people, if they want to hear the shit, let them have it. Give it away free. I don’t give a fuck; that ain’t making nobody rich or poor. Give the fucking music out. Stop playing with the public, man.’

Meth also says:

‘I dug the whole idea in the beginning. I’m like, “Wow, this has never been done before.” I was cool with shit. But now, this is ridiculous. 88 years? Really? If that shit is true, that shit is stupid. You have to wait 88 years to hear some shit? By that time, it’s going to be fuckin’ played out. If it ain’t already played out. I hope that’s a rumor. Whoever said that, that shit is fuckin’ stupid.’

Meanwhile, RZA got wind of Meth’s opinions and took it to twitter:

Either way it seems pretty complicated to us.. shruggs!